W3 Schools My Learning Profile

Video Transcript

Introduce yourself
Hi Miss Walters, hope you're doing alright. I'm Rafaela, this is my W3 profile.

Show your completed tutorials
These are the score factors

Show your score factors that include lessons read, stars collected, quiz points, and exercise points.
so lessons read, quiz points, exercise points. The 4 stars I think it was because when I did the final quizzes I got a 96 on the CSS and a 90 on the HTML so it didn't award full stars for that. But you can see here everything is at 100% completion.

Summarize your overall experience learning HTML and CSS with this hands-on approach
My experience with W3 was great. The best part was how organized and well explained everything was. It was so useful I actually started taking some notes because the content from W3 seemed to build on what the book chapters were saying with a lot of new information.

A couple things that stuck out to me was the section where they talk about layouts and making responsive web design. That was a bit of an eye opener for me to understanding how a website can adapt to different viewports. How it can transfer from a tablet to a phone to a computer screen. And the exercises were very useful. I actually wrote down a lot of them in my notes so when I try to make things on visual studio I have a base and ideas to refer back to.